- Else Kooi Prijs -

Uitreiking van de Else Kooi Prijs in 2013

Mark Oude Alink ontvangt de prijs van het bestuur van de Else Kooi Stichting. v.l.n.r. Dr John Schmitz (vice voorzitter), Dr Mark Oude Alink (winnaar), Prof. Dr. Edoardo Charbon (secretaris), Prof. Dr. ir Bram Nauta (voorzitter) . Fotografie Marijn de Wijs

The 2013 Award of Euro 5.000,- was given to Mark Oude Alink for his PhD research work at the University of Twente on “RF Spectrum Sensing in CMOS Exploiting Crosscorrelation” . Thanks to the techniques of Mark, spectrum analyzers- which normally are very expensive and bulky professional machines- can be integrated on a microchip. This way, new low-cost applications can be explored, such as finding free spectrum for wireless communications, or self-diagnosis of Integrated Circuits

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